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Results for "main_practice: "Vision", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Rachel Carson (PDP) A celebration of the life of the renowned aquatic biologist, author, and conservationist.
Birthday of Rabindranath Tagore Celebrating the life of the Bengali writer, painter, and musician, winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Big Tree The epic quest of two tiny seeds to discover their destinies in a vast panorama of time.
Teilhard de Chardin Day Quotations and a mantra from the writings of the French Jesuit theologian and visionary.
Honoring Harriet Tubman (PDP) Celebrating the legacy of this heroine of the Underground Railroad.
The Art and Life of Hilma af Klint A fascinating biography of an artist who was ahead of her time.
Presidents' Day (PDP) Using the national holiday to assess our attitudes towards the presidency.
Birthday of Adlai Stevenson (PDP) Exploring the vision of the American politician, governor, and UN ambassador.
Living a Committed Life Lynne Twist on the meaning and value of taking a stand.
Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation Recalling the beginning of the end of the institution of slavery in the United States.